By Mrs. B
I am on a mission, but not the kind that requires weapons, orders from high ranking officers and definitely no camouflage. Of course I am on board for wearing head-to-toe black with some killer accessories, but we will save that fun topic for another day.
My mission started when I was a little girl, because that’s when I realized I wanted to help people. Over the last 20-30 years this desire to help people has led me to some interesting jobs and forged some remarkable relationships. At this point I am not going to bore you with my life story (you can read more about me here) but simply say that life has brought me to where I am and over time you will find out how. I won’t be providing any expert advise, because to my knowledge I am not an expert at anything. Well unless you can be an expert at interjecting funny comments at inappropriate times.
My mission started when I was a little girl, because that’s when I realized I wanted to help people.
If you continue on this journey with me I can promise I will help you. Some days I may help you laugh, others bring a tear to your eye, maybe provide some needed comfort, and if we are both lucky I will provide an escape from reality. When you do take the time to read a few of my words, I promise I will always help you find something that you didn’t have before you started reading.
Sincerely yours (until the internet dies),
~ Mrs. B