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Affirmations for Positivity


Affirmations for Positivity

On October 10th I had the pleasure of speaking at the monthly meeting of the Alpha Lambda chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma International. The opportunity to give the Affirmations for Positivity Presentation arose after my article entitled “Affirmations for Positivity” was published in August.

It has been one of my main goals since the inception of Mrs. B on a Mission to share with others the power of positivity. It is important to meet people where they are and provide a certain amount of encouragement along the way. The objectives when I speak mirror my goals as a life coach, which center around affirmations for positivity. Regardless of a person’s situation, if they lack the ability to see positive outcomes then that is where we begin.

Below is a slideshow of what was presented to the group. The amount of discussion far exceeded the number of slides that day. I think everyone walked away with some additional positivity and a new affirmation, including Mrs. B.

It is always a blessing to encourage others, regardless of the setting. If you know of a group that would benefit from hearing more about Affirmations for Positivity, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Affirmations For Positivity Presentation

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  • Affirmations-For-Positivity-Slide-3
  • Affirmations-For-Positivity-Slide-4
  • Affirmations-For-Positivity-Slide-5
  • Affirmations-For-Positivity-Slide-7

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