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Goal Setting

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Goal Setting

It would be redundant to say, “goal setting is important”. We have read articles, seen interviews, and listened to podcasts all expressing how setting goals help a person achieve success. However, knowing we need to set goals does not mean we have the ability to create them on our own. Often times we need guidance and encouragement to be our best, possibly working with a life coach.

Over the years of working one-on-one with individuals, I learned that goals are unique to the individual. Some goals are simple and straightforward, such as “I want to limit myself to half an order of French fries each week.” Others encompass situations that are a bit more complex, such as “I want to control the intensity of my reaction when my dog chews on the bedroom door”.

Goal Setting

I think most of us would agree that if we had been able to create our own college courses we would have aced the classes. Setting goals is similar to being your own professor; you get to pick out the textbook, design the curriculum, and create the final exam. Essentially you get to develop your own syllabus based on what you specifically want to learn.

Goals are scalable and tailored to the individual. The process for designing goals looks slightly different for everyone because each goal targets a person’s vision for their life. The majority of goals I have helped people set are very personal and meaningful. They tend to address one of the ‘F areas’ of life: family, faith, finances, fitness, feelings, or fun. It is important to remember that simple goals are no less impactful than major goals.

Sample Goals:

  • Find 30 minutes to meditate or exercise each day.
  • Lose 10 pounds of weight in the next 6 months.
  • Eat 3 servings of vegetables each day.
  • Create a work-life balance that has me home each day by 6:00 p.m. to eat dinner with my family.

Why Goal Setting is Important

There are a plethora of reasons people set goals. Let’s discuss a few and then address how a life coach may be able to help if this is an area in which you have had concerns.

  • It helps you to decide on a specific direction. If you know your destination and the route you would like to take there will be less stress in your life. Physically writing them down helps you identify a path and make adjustments along the way if needed.
  • Creating goals generates motivation and confidence. Working toward your personalized goals helps you gather strength, confidence, and encouragement for your journey. It is easier to feel confident if you can look back and see how far you have made it.
  • Goals foster focus. You are less likely to feel you are wasting your time if you know the direction to focus your energy. To achieve them you must make sacrifices, stay committed, and overcome hurdles.
  • Goals trigger behavior and actions. When a situation arises, you may respond in a different way if your response will either get you closer to or push you further away from the goal that you have set for yourself.
  • Goals sustain momentum. Specific objectives put you in the position for real success! When you can see the steps you are making toward your goal you experience the excitement of “a win” with every step.
  • Goal setting promotes self-mastery.
How can a Life Coach Help with Goal Setting?

The decision to work with a life coach is more appealing if you know what to expect from a client-coach relationship. The International Coaching Federation defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.” Coaching focuses on future goals and assists in creating a plan for a deeper sense of personal accomplishment. The role of a life coach is not to modify who you are as a person but work on making changes to help you succeed in life.

Many life coaches have an area of specialty, such as a wellness coach or an executive coach. Coaches partner with you to improve relationships, build healthier habits, or discuss career changes. Maybe you feel stuck because you have not been able to reach a goal in the past. Or perhaps you have behavior patterns that you would like to adjust. Working with a life coach can provide you with a new direction or a deeper understanding of your goals. Who better to explain the role of a life coach than Tony Robbins. This article, How Life Coaching Works and How It Can Benefit You Today, provides an exceptional overview of the client-coach relationship.

Most importantly, try to enjoy the adventure! The journey between you setting a goal and achieving it can be a delightful experience. Always remember, goals are reached one step at a time.

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