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Eosinophilic Esophagitis


Eosinophilic Esophagitis

Poof! Now you’re a toad. I’m just kidding, but that word in the title totally sounds made up.

Eosinophilic Esophagitis could parallel to the cruciatus curse. It doesn’t make you a toad, however, it does make you regret half the food you consume and keep the other half stuck in your throat.

This isn’t the sexiest topic, so why bring this up? I bring it up as a way to try and educate you about this somewhat newly recognized autoimmune disease and because, quite frankly, Eosinophilic Esophagitis stinks. This isn’t a medical lesson so please feel free to use Dr. Google at a time of your choosing. In short, it’s a condition where one’s esophagus has eosinophils in it and they shouldn’t be there. Eosinophils are an excess of white blood cells and I found out I had this sort of rare condition in May of 2017 by way of throat biopsies. This probably explained why a 22-year-old Felecia was carrying around healthy snacks and acid reflux pills her purse to bars and restaurants. To be honest, even if I had known in my early twenties I doubt I would have done anything about it. All 22-year-olds are exemplary adults; correct?

Good news – it’s not going to kill me. More good news – Eosinophilic Esophagitis can be semi-controlled with diet. Unfortunate news – it also causes symptoms of acid reflux. I got this; no problem! At some point over the last 17 years, I have observed being a vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free and paleo all at their respective times. Diet restrictions aren’t a problem. I got this; no problem!
EoE Elimination: wheat, soy, dairy, eggs, and shellfish. Allergist tested known food allergies: chicken and peanuts. Acid reflux elimination: alcohol, garlic, raw onions, chocolate, citrus fruits, caffeine, carbonation, tomatoes, and peppermint.

I found out I had this sort of rare condition in May of 2017 by way of throat biopsies. This probably explained why a 22-year-old Felecia was carrying around healthy snacks and acid reflux pills her purse to bars and restaurants.

MRs. b.

Nope, I don’t think so, I DO NOT have this; this is a problem!! Anybody want to volunteer to come on this journey with me? I will try to focus on the positive, however it’s getting harder to see that when I’m hungry and my throat is too inflamed to swallow food. Maybe this is what the kids are calling ‘hangry’ these days. Have I mentioned I love food?

The checklist is in effect and so far I have had at least one of those things every single day since I started this elimination diet. I’m cutting out wheat, soy, and chocolate so surely I deserve a steaming cup of coffee in the mornings. If my dear sweet ancient cat wakes me up twice a night and I am sleepy, do I not deserve a refreshing Coke Zero with my lunch? I will refrain from commenting on if I intend to suspend happy hour or not.

I will stand strong and have a showdown with this overly zealous white blood cell count in my throat. If you have food allergies or problems with your GI system in any way I am so sorry, because I know it sucks. I want you to know that for every problem there is someone else somewhere on this earth possibly experiencing similar issues. If you truly don’t think there is anyone else like you I want to say, I am here to listen to you any time you need an ear.

Currently, I’m considering throwing in the towel and grabbing a tub of Baskin Robbins from the freezer. See, this is a prime example of how I’m a problem solver or at the very least I find fun ways to “manage stress.”
Indecisive about Chocolate peanut butter or baseball nut.


Mrs. B

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