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Escaping Sleep


Escaping Sleep

By Mrs. B

Clearly, Mrs. B has been on a hiatus, plus I had a tiny bit of writer’s block. It felt like every time I wanted to share something with you guys it just didn’t seem pertinent. Some work travel, a fun-filled weekend in Auburn with friends and an awesome mini-break with my hubs have all contributed to my lack of writing. I am back on my game now so everyone better watch out.

Thinking back, I was at the beach the last time I published a post and now it seems fall is in full swing. The trees are changing colors, the temperature drops in the evening, and college football is once again an every Saturday event. It’s funny how this time of year always makes me want to curl up under the covers to watch a movie with my family or read a good book. I can barely write a blog post, so it’s pretty obvious I’m not reading any new books. The shorter days and longer nights remind me that the holiday season is quickly approaching. Some of you may be planning to visit family and friends or finally take an enjoyable trip with all those saved up vacation hours. Regardless of what you are doing and where you are headed it’s important to make time for yourself. Easier said than done, I know!

One thing that’s difficult for me is sleep. Maybe sleep isn’t the right terminology, but quality sleep is more appropriate. I have tried so many things over the last 17 years, some natural and some not so natural. It started with evening yoga in my twenties and that was a complete bust. Next up was sleepy time tea, which worked for a little while, however spending an hour each night to drink 3 cups of tea was a no-go. At that point I was working full time, finishing up my graduate degree and the nagging feelings of stress were all keeping me from shutting down my mind at night. There was a short time between 2010 – 2012 I had peaceful slumber, however, I am convinced that was a scheduling side effect. Up every morning at 5:00 a.m. to hit the gym, work all day, studying and attend classes at night….. I basically passed out for 7 hours and then my alarm would bring me back to reality.

One thing that’s difficult for me is sleep. Maybe sleep isn’t the right terminology, but quality sleep is more appropriate.

Mrs. B.

Once I realized exhaustion was no longer providing the needed benefits I decided to try over-the-counter sleep aids, which is when Tylenol PM became my best friend. One blissful year later one of my doctors discouraged their daily use yet prescribed me some heavy duty sleeping pills. It’s so entertaining how some of the medical community operates giving you a prescription drug instead of something over-the-counter. However, by 2016 I was sick and tired of taking things to go to sleep and then take different things to wake me up. It was at this point I decided I was going the holistic route come hell or high water. Regrettably, anxiety, ADD, and emotions did not respond well to lack of outside sedation. ‘No problem,’ I told myself, I will just need to be more diligent in findings the best products for me.

This is the part where I thank my wonderful husband. He spent time and energy trying to make our bedroom a tranquil escape. In light of our newly established sleep sanctuary, I wanted to share some of our new ideas with you. These are all things my spouse or I found that we are incorporating to help Mrs. B find a little R&R. They benefit him as well, but I keep telling myself it was all for me.

Brookstone Sleeping Mask

I have a sneaking suspicion this was designed primarily for plane travel because of its density, but I have worn it almost every night since it was purchased on January 2nd. The thickness blocks out all the light, with only a small amount of tension on the strap to keep it in place. My only recommendation for the ladies is to put your hair up on top of your head because this thing leaves a wicked dent in your hair.

 Double Airflow Memory Foam Pillow

Would saying that it is the closest thing to sleeping on a cloud be a bit too much? I love love love this pillow! It’s seriously the softest thing I have ever slept on and I found an added bonus. During the first three days of the test phase, I learned the pillow was entirely too thick for me. Consequently, I had to take out some of the stuffing. The company sent extra memory foam to keep it fluffed up as time passes. Between the extra stuffing, they sent for refurbishment + what I removed from the actual pillow was enough to create a completely new pillow. I purchased a dust mite zippered pillowcase from Amazon, shoved it all in there, and ‘poof’ I now have an additional pillow. Complete props to the hubby for this one. Just do it! Follow this link Most Awesome Pillow Ever

Alexa/Alexa Dot

Alexa is a love or hate type of device I have noticed. You either welcome her speaker into your home as one of the family or you are convinced that the government is using it to record everything you say. We have one in the bedroom that plays sounds of an ocean, Enya, or meditation music at bedtime and sometimes all through the night. I recently had a friend say they listened to thunderstorms on their Alexa. I haven’t tried that one yet, but it sounds like another solid option. Under no circumstances do I use her to order Amazon items or it would be like Christmas at our house every day. I mean, just telling her to order stuff and her saying “okay” is just too easy.

Comfort Life Knee Pillow

Have you got back problems? Spine problems? Hip pain at night? Then this is a must for your bedroom. I place it between my knees or thighs to keep my body in alignment while sleeping. It does make my temperature a little higher during the night and I’m one to run extra hot while I sleep anyway. If you do decide to incorporate any type of pillow under the covers it may cause you to sweat more during the night, but it could be helped by using a fan. Comfort Life Knee Pillow

Young Living Tranquil

Essential oils are a great way to treat many aspects of our lives. All natural oils are utilizing the substances that God already put on this earth for us to use. I have a small roll-on bottle of Tranquil and I hear those are not as easy to find. I truly believe it helps me relax. I roll a little on my wrists, lay my hands near my face and breathe in the scent slowly. Young Living is the best brand I have found, although that is just my opinion.

Everyone needs something different to help them find tranquility. Maybe now is a time in your life that you need a more substantial nudge into a peaceful slumber. If it’s not, maybe I have suggested something that caught your attention anyway. I just hope that when you are dragging your fabulous self around in the wee hours of the morning remember that you aren’t alone.

Good night, John Boy

Sincerely, Mrs. B

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